Tips for Traveling Solo
on a Guided Tour

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Traveling alone is an excellent opportunity for personal growth and discovery. But for many, especially first-time travelers, hitting the road solo can seem overwhelming. That’s why a guided tour can be a great compromise; it provides some freedom of independent travel with the inherent advantages of traveling with a group. Here are some tips for solo travel and from solo travelers to help you enjoy your journey with peace of mind.

Do Your Research on Traveling Solo

You can help keep your anxiety in check by doing a little extra research on your destinations. This will allow you to feel at ease with the new location, focus on the highlights of your destination, and, as a bonus, offer an easy way to strike up conversations with others in your group.

Embrace the Solo Experience

We strongly encourage you to not skip out on an activity, destination, or restaurant that really speaks to you simply because you have no one to go with. Even on a guided tour, solo travel offers true autonomy for those who seek it, and the opportunity to spend your free time however you wish. This is your chance to make your travel dreams a reality.

Tip From a Solo Traveler: Instead of fearing the time when you’ll have to venture out on your own – make it a goal. Before your trip starts, set a goal of experiencing something on your own once, twice, or even three times. You can even do this on one of your group activities by taking some time to explore on your own and admire your surroundings. By doing this, you’ll feel more confident and will come to enjoy the moments you have to yourself.

Don’t Be Afraid to Be More Social

Understand that most people, even those traveling in pairs or small groups, are a bit shy when it comes to meeting new people. It’s perfectly fine to enjoy your own company. It’s also fine to be the first person to speak up and introduce yourself. Don’t be afraid to say hello. Try asking your travel companions open-ended questions to help get the conversation going. True, you may not hit it off with everyone in the group, but odds are that you will find a handful of other guests that you truly enjoy. When you’re traveling in a group setting, you’re probably going to find a buddy with similar interests. However, there is very little risk in meeting everyone and treating everyone as a new friend!

Tip From a Solo Traveler: Find someone you click with and ask them if they’d like to have lunch with you, grab a coffee, or go for ice cream after a day of sightseeing. If you’re feeling uncomfortable or shy, look for an activity that involves walking so you can talk about your surroundings and don’t feel pressured to keep the conversation flowing every second.

Learn the Language & Strike Up Conversations

We’re not suggesting that you become fluent in French or hold full conversations in Spanish (though if you want to take that on, we say go for it!). Instead, learn some basic phrases in the local language, and at the very least, learn how to say hello, please, and thank you.

Tip From a solo traveler: Talk to the locals even if you don’t need anything, and even if you don’t know much – or any – of the local language. Simply ask “do you speak English?” and start your conversations that way. Many Americans assume that people might be put off by this type of thing, but the fact is that people love meeting Americans and practicing their English!

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